This comes from:
Update: In the end of the post I added simple step by step instruction on how to move to the new system. I STRONGLY suggest using the code only after you read the entire post.
After Andrew Gelman recently lamented the lack of an easy upgrade process for R, aStackoverflow thread (by JD Long) invited R users to share their strategies for easily upgrading R.
In that thread, Dirk Eddelbuettel suggested another idea for upgrading R. His idea is of using a folder for R’s packages which is outside the standard directory tree of the installation (a different strategy then the one offered on the R FAQ).
The idea of this upgrading strategy is to save us steps in upgrading. So when you wish to upgrade R, instead of doing the following three steps:
1) download new R and install
2) copy the “library” content from the old R to the new R
3) upgrade all of the packages (in the library folder) to the new version of R.
You could instead just have steps 1 and 3, and skip step 2.
1) download new R and install
2) copy the “library” content from the old R to the new R
3) upgrade all of the packages (in the library folder) to the new version of R.
You could instead just have steps 1 and 3, and skip step 2.
For example, under windows, you might have R installed on:
But (in this alternative model for upgrading) you will have your packages library on a “global library folder” (global in the sense of independent of a specific R version):
C:\Program Files\R\R-2.11.0\
But (in this alternative model for upgrading) you will have your packages library on a “global library folder” (global in the sense of independent of a specific R version):
C:\Program Files\R\library
So in order to use this strategy, you will need to do the following steps -
- In the OLD R installation (in the first time you move to the new system of managing the upgrade):
- Create a new global library folder (if it doesn’t exist)
- Copy to the new “global library folder” all of your packages from the old R installation
- After you move to this system – the steps 1 and 2 would not need to be repeated. (hence the advantage)
- In the NEW R installation:
- Create a new global library folder (if it doesn’t exist – in case this is your first R installation)
- Premenantly point to the Global library folder whenever R starts
- Delete from the “Global library folder” all the packages that already exist in the local library folder of the new R install (no need to have doubles)
- Update all packages. (notice that you picked a mirror where the packages are up-to-date, you sometimes need to choose another mirror)
Thanks to help from Dirk, David Winsemius and Uwe Ligges, I was able to write the following R code to perform all the tasks I described
So first you will need to run the following code:
Old.R.RunMe <- function (global.library.folder = "C:/Program Files/R/library", quit.R = NULL) { # It will: # 1. Create a new global library folder (if it doesn't exist) # 2. Copy to the new "global library folder" all of your packages from the old R installation # checking that the global lib folder exists - and if not -> create it. if(!file.exists(global.library.folder)) { # If global lib folder doesn't exist - create it. dir.create(global.library.folder) print(paste("The path:" , global.library.folder, "Didn't exist - and was now created.")) } else { print(paste("The path:" , global.library.folder, "already exist. (no need to create it)")) } print("-----------------------") print("I am now copying packages from old library folder to:") print(global.library.folder) print("-----------------------") flush.console() # refresh the console so that the user will see the massage # Copy packages from current lib folder to the global lib folder <- paste( paste(R.home(), "\\library\\", sep = ""), list.files(paste(R.home(), "\\library\\", sep = "")), sep = "") folders.copied <- file.copy(from =, # copy folders to = global.library.folder, overwrite = TRUE, recursive =TRUE) print("Success.") print(paste("We finished copying all of your packages (" , sum(folders.copied), "packages ) to the new library folder at:")) print(global.library.folder) print("-----------------------") # To quite R ? if(is.null(quit.R)) { print("Can I close R? y(es)/n(o) (WARNING: your enviornment will *NOT* be saved)") answer <- readLines(n=1) } else { answer <- quit.R } if(tolower(answer)[1] == "y") quit(save = "no") } New.R.RunMe <- function (global.library.folder = "C:/Program Files/R/library", quit.R = F, = T, update.all.packages = T) { # It will: # 1. Create a new global library folder (if it doesn't exist) # 2. Premenantly point to the Global library folder # 3. Make sure that in the current session - R points to the "Global library folder" # 4. Delete from the "Global library folder" all the packages that already exist in the local library folder of the new R install # 5. Update all packages. # checking that the global lib folder exists - and if not -> create it. if(!file.exists(global.library.folder)) { # If global lib folder doesn't exist - create it. dir.create(global.library.folder) print(paste("The path to the Global library (" , global.library.folder, ") Didn't exist - and was now created.")) } else { print(paste("The path to the Global library (" , global.library.folder, ") already exist. (NO need to create it)")) } flush.console() # refresh the console so that the user will see the massage # Based on: # help(Startup) # checking if "" exists - and if not -> create it. <- paste(R.home(), "\\etc\\", sep = "") if(!file.exists( { # If "" doesn't exist (which it shouldn't be) - create it and add the global lib line to it. cat(paste("R_LIBS=",global.library.folder, sep = "") , file = print(paste("The file:" ,, "Didn't exist - we created it and added your 'Global library link' (",global.library.folder,") to it.")) } else { print(paste("The file:" ,, "existed! make sure you add the following line by yourself:")) print(paste("R_LIBS=",global.library.folder, sep = "") ) print(paste("To the file:", } # Setting the global lib for this session also .libPaths(global.library.folder) # This makes sure you don't need to restart R so that the new Global lib settings will take effect in this session also # This line could have also been added to: # /etc/ # and it would do the same thing as adding "" did print("Your library paths are: ") print(.libPaths()) flush.console() # refresh the console so that the user will see the massage if( { print("We will now delete package from your Global library folder that already exist in the local-install library folder") flush.console() # refresh the console so that the user will see the massage <- paste( paste(global.library.folder, "/", sep = ""), list.files(paste(R.home(), "\\library\\", sep = "")), sep = "") number.of.packages.we.will.delete <- sum(list.files(paste(global.library.folder, "/", sep = "")) %in% list.files(paste(R.home(), "\\library\\", sep = ""))) deleted.packages <- unlink( , recursive = TRUE) # delete all the packages from the "original" library folder (no need for double folders) print(paste(number.of.packages.we.will.delete,"Packages where deleted.")) } if(update.all.packages) { # Based on: # print("We will now update all your packges") flush.console() # refresh the console so that the user will see the massage update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE) } # To quite R ? if(quit.R) quit(save = "no") }
Then you will want to run, on your old R installation, this:
And on your new R installation, this:
(Please do not try the following code before reading this post and understanding what it does)
In order to move your R upgrade to the new (simpler) system, do the following:
1) Download and install the new version of R
2) Open your old R and run –
1) Download and install the new version of R
2) Open your old R and run –
source("") Old.R.RunMe()
(wait until it finishes)
3) Open your new R and run
3) Open your new R and run
source("") New.R.RunMe()
(wait until it finishes)
Once you do this, then from now on, whenever you will upgrade to a new R, all you will need to do only the following TWO (instead of three) steps:
1) Download and install the new version of R
2) Open your new R and run
1) Download and install the new version of R
2) Open your new R and run
source("") New.R.RunMe()
(wait until it finishes)
And that’s it.
If you have any more suggestions on how to make this code better – please do share.
(After some measure of review will be given to this code, I would upload it to a file for easy running through “source(…)” )
(After some measure of review will be given to this code, I would upload it to a file for easy running through “source(…)” )
(Follow the link for other posts by Tal Galili)
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